20 Photos of the Week: Grape Harvest, Mountain Hikes, Lavaux Vineyards, Becoming a Father

Volunteering for the grape harvest at La Gara, hiking the La Dole circuit in the Jura mountains, enjoying an evening apéro in the Lavaux vineyards, and becoming a father to a beautiful baby girl: my favourite images from a life-altering week in October.

Saturday the 16th, 11.39 am: Vendanges at La Gara

Grape Harvest Leica Q2

Sunday the 17th, 9.44 am: Hiking the La Dole ridge in the Jura mountains

Sunday the 17th, 4.38 pm: An evening apéro in Lavaux vineyards

Wednesday the 20th, 2.19 am: Wandering the corridors at La Tour hospital

Wednesday the 20th, 2.02 pm: Welcome Teodora

Sunday the 24th, 1.58 pm: Back home


Japan to welcome skiers again in 2022


ADD FUEL at Underdogs Gallery, Lisbon